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    Hello World, I have dedicated myself on staying a student. As much knowledge I can obtain the more I can give in return


    Wednesday, November 5, 2008

    I think one of the most difficult parts when locating/discovering your purpose through hunches is where to begin. When we start, we become afraid of what others might think if your purpose does not lie within the norm of what people are used to. Others who do not see your vision have different reaction and out of respect, they try hard not to criticize and eventhough they restrain from critisisim, their body language towards you can cause as much damage if not more than just simple words. Then the only way to overcome the fear is to pursue your purpose and passion through faith. We have all asked for a way out and we all know what we want but restrain from getting it because your purpose through your mind and heart are not aligned with faith. I struggled through this in the beginning for I had a vision of what my desire was but worried of what others thought of me. As I write this, I have become interested with god and I have realized that I was given the desire by him and that what matters most is not what others think but rather what god has planned for me and that it is my responsibility to complete his work. So I say to you, begin with faith and use all concepts that lie here within you to complete his work which will be your desire and purpose. It’s ok if you’re confused, its normal but stay the path and believe with all faith.

    Just another video to enjoy